Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I thought and I believed I am stuck in this complexity of Life
Loops after Loops of Limitations
Chains after Chains of Challenges

And that I have no way out of here

The web has finally opened up for me
I saw the Flower of Life, the structure of all creation
And from within, all is being created

Life will never be the same again for me.
My reality is NOT my reality 
My Reality has become the INFINITY!

~~ ARAKAH ~~
The way to Life


  1. This is the most POWERFUL and ILLUMINATING post so far! [Applause]

  2. I agree with Mr A. =) But its a process right? From one circle, it leads to the blossoming of the flower. =)And you are THAT wonderful flower!

  3. just discovered this page, and the images are quite amazing. Really stirring something within me.

  4. In looking for an image of the Flower of Life, your image struck me so beautiful. Am in 40 days/nights of a higher frequency of Light Beings in my body to heal. While drinking water will have your intriguing Life Flower as image to view while the words Gratitude ~ Love ~ Gratitude grace my healing. Thank you!

  5. I have just seen these in very similar but I would say more intense colours for a couple of nights running. It was an amazing experience, I believe my pineal has activated. Like being plugged into an electric socket! Wonderful!!
