Friday, August 23, 2013

My Confession

As Fierce as the scrutinizing eyes of an Owl,
I often find fault with myself.
When anything goes wrong, the first & only person I judge and criticize is myself.
Taking it upon as my full responsibility that I screw things up.

I always seek to be the Best, 
wanting to be as Complete as a Perfect Being on Earth, and give nothing but the Best to everyone around me.

When things, people and situations mirror my faults and lacks to me,
I will punish myself even more.

Wanting to transform and work on myself more & more to become even better and better.
Giving myself more and more pressure.

Not realizing that my Completeness & Perfection already rest within me.

I simply need to relax, relax and relax into it...

Comfortably allowing my...

 Completeness to shine as bright as Light
Perfection radiating as Love!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Our World; Our Ways

We are programmed to think & believe that we have to 
adjust & adapt ourselves to the Ways of the World
in order to keep surviving...

However, the truth is....

If you start adjusting to yourself, 
the world will also begin to adjust to your ways accordingly!

People around you will Accept &Treat 
You the way You are
Opportunities will come their ways for you to express & live your fullest potential!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

My Source; My Life ...

My Potential

Sitting comfortably at where I come from,
neither moving restlessly.. nor seeking helplessly..

~My Potential comes Alive like never before~

Vibration of Light
Shapes of Love
Bubbles of Joy