Friday, September 27, 2013

Love and her sacredness

A Love that keeps burning for 2 person is NOT just a feeling,
it is a Sacred Fire kindled & kindled again & again by the 2 of them.

As each of them flows in each of their own waves of life, 
they ripple as one.

Their devotion so strong,
they commit to sharing their completeness with each other..

When issues surface,
they make each other a better person.

Learning & Soaring together!

Their Love Radiating...

Uplifting everyone around them
Adding colours to the world...

Such is the Sacred Love I‘m gonna experience in my reality!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Life that is NOT mine anymore

A very connected spiritual friend of mine asked me last night:
"Arakah, actually what is your goal?"

I was dumbfounded yet very deLIGHTED at the same time!

Here is my answer to her!

To Live a Life that is NOT my Life anymore!!

To be the LIGHT
To kindle and glow as LIGHT
To spiral and burn as LIGHT

To appear and disappear as LIGHT

To Live and Die as LIGHT

Existing as the Womb of Universe
Rippling the blazing fire of Love