Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Life that is NOT mine anymore

A very connected spiritual friend of mine asked me last night:
"Arakah, actually what is your goal?"

I was dumbfounded yet very deLIGHTED at the same time!

Here is my answer to her!

To Live a Life that is NOT my Life anymore!!

To be the LIGHT
To kindle and glow as LIGHT
To spiral and burn as LIGHT

To appear and disappear as LIGHT

To Live and Die as LIGHT

Existing as the Womb of Universe
Rippling the blazing fire of Love


  1. Light is the source of all Illumination. Also all Illusion. Light vanquishes Dark, yes. But forgets it would not exist without Dark. The Yin-Yang shows us the Seed of Light grows in Darkness - and the Seed of Darkness is everpresent in the Light. Before and beyond Dark & Light... we are all LIFE.

    And what makes LIFE possible is when Energy dances with Consciousness. All I'm saying is: nobody can rely on a slogan and live by it, no matter how clever or sensible it sounds. You might as well purchase a Little Red Book of "Mao's Sayings" and then use it as the one & only guide to Life - just as Christians (or, rather, Paulinians) live & swear by their "Holy Book" & the Muslims swear & curse by theirs!

    Enlighten Up! As Dr Strangely Strange once sang: "I can't believe this Cosmic Joke. Tried to break the news... it broke!" ('Mary Malone of Moscow')

    :-D <3 :-D
